Sixth Form Application Form

Please complete the online application form below.

As part of the application, you will need to upload the following documents:

  • The applicant’s handwritten Personal Statement
  • Two most recent school reports
  • CV outlining extra-curricular activities
  • The applicant’s full birth certificate showing parental details
  • The applicant's passport
  • A recent photograph of the applicant
  • Any applicable court orders e.g. parental responsibility, residence, contact etc. (scanned copy or photocopy only) 

The entry process is now open for entry in September 2025.

Sixth Form Application Form


Sixth Form Application Form

Terms and Conditions

The transmission or acceptance of your application form does not constitute an offer of a place. 

It is very important that you inform the Admissions Office of any change to the details you have provided on the application form.

The Admissions Office will treat communications to/from either parent/person with parental responsibility named on this form as given to/received from both parents/persons. Please note that if a place is offered after interview, all persons with parental responsibility will need to sign the Parent Contract.

Winchester College collects statistical data on the ethnicity of applicants using groups used by the Independent Schools Council with whom we share the data. Please note this data is used for statistical purposes only and is not linked to individual applicants.